Leonardo Canales

Alexander technique teacher

Leonardo Canales is a wonderful teacher from Chile who is very thorough and enthusiastic in his work. With training in Performance, Voice, Movement & Alexander Technique, Leonardo is an amazing one-stop shop for all elements of performance and expression.

Leonardo’s qualifications are many, including BA (Theatre) from the University of Chile, an Advanced Diploma of Alexander Technique Teaching from School for FM Alexander Studies, Melbourne, Voice and Movement studies with Pantheatre -a vocal performance & choreographic theatre in Paris, France and Santiago, Chile, Movement studies at the Trinity Laban Centre in London & from Claude Brumachon and Benjamin Lamarche from The Centre chorégraphique national de Nantes in Santiago & a mentorship with actress/singer Annie Murath for several years in Santiago.

Leonardo has also directed and performed in numerous Theatre and Dance pieces. We are very excited to welcome Leonardo to our team to work with our Teens 12 month course!